Thursday, January 3, 2008

Dear Matt...

Dear Matt,

How sad for you that you don't even have the courage to come to my front door and leave my belongings for me.

How sad for you that you have so little self-respect that you don't believe that you deserve the best. You choose instead to settle for mediocrity.

How sad for you that you are so scared and uncertain of your future that you can't even face it. You choose instead to submerge yourself in the past and cling to your youth by dating people who are closer to your teenage son's age than to your own.

How sad for you that you are 35 years old and have no idea who you are or what your dreams and goals might be.

How sad for you that you are so weak that you can't even stand up for what you want. You choose instead to lie to people and tell them only what you think they want to hear.

How sad for your two young boys that they will base their future relationships on the examples set for them by you and Josh, thus perpetuating the cycle of mistreatment toward women. How sad that they don't have an example of the way a real man should behave.

For so long I felt like you stole everything from me. You took from me: my best friend, the man I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, the family that I thought I was going to be a part of, my favorite place to hang out with my friends, and the last 2 and a half months of my life. But no more. I'm done letting you take from me. And I'm done wasting my energy on you. There is no need for me to wish unhappiness for you. Clearly, you are already unhappy, and that's why you made the decisions that you did. I feel nothing for you anymore; not sadness, not anger, not even respect. I have found my peace, but I suspect that you have not.

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